Globally, we are seeing people having to navigate a new school, college, and work lives as they transition to stay at home during the Coronavirus. For continuity, it's crucial to find a regular schedule to keep Monday through Friday to keep you moving forward in your schoolwork. Here is an example of a daily routine you can modify for your use.
· Wake up at the same time every morning
· Get ready as you would a typical day going to school – shower, get out of pajamas, and eat a good breakfast.
· If you have time before virtual classes begin, get some exercise.
· Find a quiet place without distractions to start your schoolwork. Silence your phone for calls, texts, and social media. If school is online in real-time, that will be easy to stay on task. If you have school work that isn't in real-time, then use this time to stay up to date on all your classes. Use a calendar, post-it notes to write out a daily list of to-dos.
· Find help for work you don't understand. Communicate well with your teachers, use online support, which can be free and connect with friends to discuss difficult problems.
· Take a nutrition break and lunch like you would typically at school. Don’t use this time to video game, sit on social media but maybe schedule a lunchtime “visit” with friends.
· Finish your school day at the time you usually would.
· If you didn't have time to exercise, then this would be a terrific time to break a sweat.
· Juniors carve out time during the day for SAT/ACT test prep. Thirty minutes to 1 hour a day, and don't forget to read 30 minutes a day to help improve your scores.
· Use sometime every day to AP test prep.
· Since you won't have your outside activities, you can be creative and figure out ways to show leadership, serve your community, or write a blog and showcase your talents.
· For some fun, learn a new skill like painting, gardening, or an instrument you've wanted to try. Bring your friends in on it and make it a project you can all do together online.
· Remember to be patient, show kindness to all the people in your house. No one is choosing this situation, so it's essential to be understanding of everyone’s needs.
Good Luck and work hard!